SIGGRAPH 2021 학회에서 주목도 높았던 연구 세션 및 키워드들 정리
SIG21에서 주목도 높은 연구 세션들 (순서 의미없음):
- Neural solver for blah blah
- Video, portrait, image editing (sometimes with GANs)
- Neural, real-time, differentiable rendering
- Rendering theory
- Denoising and guiding
- Human, face, character animation and control (learning)
- Surfaces, curves, ribbons, and wires
- Appearance
- Deformation
- Fabrication
- Computational photography
SIG21에서 주목도 높은 키워드들 (순서 의미없음):
- Physical simulation
- Neural networks
- Ray tracing
- Shape modeling
- Animation
- Mesh geometry models
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